1. Introduction and Purpose

1.1 This document sets out the standards of conduct, professional and personal behaviour that Australian Marist

Solidarity (‘AMS’) requires of all staff members, contractors and volunteers to uphold and encourage a safe,

supportive, productive and harmonious workplace.

1.2 Staff members have a responsibility to uphold these standards including upholding the teachings and values

of the Catholic Church and to avoid by word, action or public lifestyle, behaviours which are contrary to those

teachings and values.

2. Scope

2.1 This Code of Conduct applies to all staff members, contractors and volunteers of AMS and it outlines the

obligations, responsibilities and standard of behaviour AMS requires to uphold the values, integrity and

reputation of AMS.

2.2 Staff members are to make themselves familiar with the requirements of this policy and ensure they comply

with the behaviours and obligations outlined within it.

2.3 Failure to comply with the responsibilities and obligations outlined in this policy may result in disciplinary

action being taken, including termination of employment, notification to external agencies and/or criminal


3. Lawful Compliance

3.1 Staff members must act lawfully and comply with all legislative, contractual and industrial requirements

while engaged by AMS. They must also comply with AMS policies and follow all reasonable and lawful

directions given by AMS.

4. Ethical Behaviour

4.1 Staff members of AMS are expected to:

• respect the dignity, rights and views of others;

• listen and seek to understand different points of view (this does not necessarily mean agreeing with the

point of view);

• act respectfully at all times, including respecting cultural, ethnic and religious differences;

• acknowledge the genuine contributions that others make;

• express constructive feedback considerately and in a moderate tone;

• not harass, bully or discriminate against colleagues, clients or members of the public;

• be courteous, fair, sensitive and considerate to the needs of others;

• be honest and act with integrity at all times; and

• actively assist in managing workplace conflict that personally affects them or staff members under their

supervision to create positive and constructive outcomes.

5. Professional Behaviour and Development

5.1 Staff members of AMS are expected to:

• maintain a high standard and quality of work;

• maintain and develop knowledge and understanding of their area of expertise;

• continuously seek to improve work performance and bring about improvements in the workplace;

• exercise care, responsibility and sound judgement when carrying out their duties;

• ensure procedural fairness is followed in all processes;

• maintain adequate documentation to support any decision making;

• take reasonable care of their safety and health;

• take reasonable steps to ensure that their acts/omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of


• comply and cooperate with any reasonable instruction, policy or procedure, including with respect to

workplace health and safety matters;

• refrain from carrying out their duties under the influence of alcohol, any illegal substance, or any drug which

impairs work performance or poses a safety risk to themselves or others;

•not take or seek to take improper advantage of any information gained in the course of employment/


• not take improper advantage of their position to benefit themselves or others;

• not allow personal political views/affiliations or other personal interests to influence the performance of

duties or exercise of responsibilities;

• maintain confidentiality and privacy where required; and

• report to AMS any instance where the staff member, contractor or volunteer believes they, or anyone within

their workplace, have been treated in a discriminatory or harassing manner.

6. Conflicts of Interest

6.1 A conflict of interest includes any circumstance, whether actual or perceived, arising from a conflict between

the performance of a staff member’s professional duties with AMS and their personal interests. Staff members

are to take all appropriate steps to disclose a conflict of interest (or potential conflict) to AMS as soon as they

become aware of it.

6.2 A conflict can arise when there is a reasonable expectation of a personal benefit, direct or indirect, for a staff

member, contractor or volunteer that could influence the performance of their duties. This benefit may be

financial or non-financial.

6.3 Staff members must take suitable measures to avoid, or appropriately deal with, any situation or relationship

they may have where a conflict of interest could, directly or indirectly, compromise the performance of their


6.4 A staff member may ask themselves the following questions to assist in identifying whether a situation or

relationship is potentially a conflict of interest:

• Do I have personal interests that may conflict, or be perceived to conflict, with my position at AMS?

• Could there be benefits for me now, or in the future, that could cast doubt on my objectivity?

• How will my involvement in the decision or action be viewed by others?

• Does my involvement appear fair and reasonable in all the circumstances?

7. Gifts and Benefits

7.1 Staff members must not solicit or accept gifts, benefits or hospitality which might be reasonably seen to either

directly or indirectly compromise or influence their professional duties with AMS.

7.2 Gifts of a nominal value generally used for promotional purposes, or moderate acts of hospitality offered as

a genuine thank you by a client, may be personally retained as long as they have not been solicited by the staff

member, contractor or volunteer, or could be seen to have comprised or unduly influenced their professional

duties with AMS.

7.3 Gifts or hospitality offered as an inducement to purchase, provide information or treat someone favourably

are not acceptable regardless of their monetary value. An example of such inducement includes a recruitment

agency offering theatre tickets for each temporary person employed.

8. Management and Resources

8.1 Staff members must use AMS resources economically and ethically. Such resources include money, facilities,

equipment (e.g. phones, computers, ipads, fax machines), vehicles, services (e.g. internet) and any other

property which is owned or is the responsibility of AMS or the Marist Brothers. Staff members also have a

duty to ensure that AMS and Marist resources are used only for their intended purpose, are well maintained

and secured against theft or misuse.

8.2 Staff members are fully accountable for the use of work time and resources. Unless express approval is given

by the appropriate work area manager, staff members, should not use work time or resources for an outside

interest, secondary employment or personal gain, such examples include the development of a new

commercial idea or writing a book.

8.3 Staff members have a duty to report to AMS any improper use, waste or abuse of resources, corrupt or

fraudulent conduct or inadequate administration or accountability.

9. Protected Disclosures

9.1 In reporting any suspected improper use, fraud, waste or abuse of resources, corrupt conduct, inadequate

administration or accountability, staff members, contractors and volunteers are entitled to seek support

and protection when making such disclosures, and to be notified of the action taken in relation to the


9.2 Staff members are not entitled to protection for disclosures which, on investigation, are found to be vexatious

or malicious allegations, and may be liable for disciplinary action as a result.

10. Confidentiality

10.1 Staff members must not divulge, either during employment/engagement or after, any confidential

information gained as a staff member of AMS.

11. Safeguarding

11.1 AMS has a zero-tolerance approach towards the abuse of others. AMS is committed to taking all necessary

steps to ensure that all who are vulnerable with whom we work are provided with a safe environment at all


11.2 Staff members are expected at all times to act in a manner that upholds the values and good reputation of

AMS; to undertake to create and maintain a safe and trusted environment; and immediately report any

concerns, suspicions or allegations of a breach of the Safeguarding Policy to the AMS Safeguarding Officer

or Chief Executive Officer, and encourage and support others to do so. Refer to the AMS Complaints Handling

Policy for further details.

11.3 All staff members (including contractors and volunteers) of AMS are required to act in accordance with the

AMS Safeguarding Code of Conduct (Appendix A to this document). By signing the AMS Code of Conduct you

are also agreeing to abide by the AMS Safeguarding Code of Conduct.

12. Further Information

12.1 Further information or assistance about anything contained in this policy can be sought from

13. Related Documents

AMS Safeguarding Policy & Code of Conduct AMS Operating Procedures Manual

AMS Confidentiality Deed AMS Safeguarding Reporting Flowchart

AMS Complaints Handling Policy AMS Conflict of Interest Policy

AMS Financial Wrongdoing Management Policy AMS Privacy Policy


All staff, contractors and volunteers) of AMS are required to adhere to the AMS Safeguarding Code of Conduct

and inform AMS of any reports of suspected or alleged abuse.

A vulnerable person is a child, a person with a disability, someone living in poverty, someone who has been

previously abused or anyone who has less power at the time.

In addition to always following the law, when I am working/volunteering with AMS:

I will I will not

• Conduct myself in a manner that is consistent with the values of AMS.

• Treat people who are vulnerable with respect.

• Comply with AMS Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.

• Immediately report any concerns of child abuse or breach of the AMS Safeguarding Policy or this Code of Conduct, as per the guidelines in the AMS Safeguarding Policy

• Make sure another adult is present whenever possible when working with vulnerable people

• Get recorded permission from a vulnerable person or their guardian when taking photos or filming them and tell them how the images may be used.

• Only photograph or film vulnerable people for work purposes.

• When photographing vulnerable people, make sure they are wearing clothes and shown in a respectful and honest way.

• Only discuss the vulnerable people that I work with in my workplace and not at home or with those I do not work with.

• Self-assess my behaviours, actions, language and relationships with children.

• Comply with all relevant Australian and overseas child protection legislation, including labour laws in relation to child labour.

• Touch vulnerable people unless it is necessary to protect them or do my job and only when another adult is present.

• Hurt vulnerable people with my actions or my words.

• Have a sexual relationship with a child or person who is vulnerable.

• Sexually abuse, exploit or harass anyone.

• Pay for sex or exchange other goods, services or benefits for sex or sexual favours.

• Let vulnerable people into my house unless they are in immediate danger.

• Sleep close to a vulnerable person.

• Give gifts from me to a vulnerable person.

• Give a vulnerable person alcohol, tobacco or drugs.

• Make vulnerable people do physical labour that is too difficult for them or for long periods of time.

• Show vulnerable people violent, pornographic or harmful photos or videos.

• Try to stop others reporting abuse.

• Communicate with vulnerable people that I work with by writing private letters, phone messages or including them on my private social media.

• Be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while engaged in work commitments.