Australian Marist Solidarity (AMS) is the international development arm of the Marist Brothers Star of the Sea
Province and the Marist Association of St Marcellin Champagnat. It has a particular focus on empowering young
people to transform their lives and community. Promoting the dignity of the human person, as safeguarded by
internationally recognised human rights conventions, is a core value of AMS.
This policy seeks to provide clear definitions of development and non-development/welfare activities, as defined by
the Australian Commonwealth Government, thereby ensuring that AMS continues to deliver overseas aid activities
in accordance with the Overseas Aid Gift Deduction Scheme (OAGDS).
This policy also endeavours to ensure that AMS complies with the Australian Council for International Development
(ACFID) Code of Conduct by:
• accurately representing its activities to its donors, partners and the public;
• ensuring that funds raised for development activities are not used for non-development/welfare activities;
• making clear separations between development and non-development/welfare objectives and activities.
This policy applies to AMS Board directors, committee members, employees, volunteers, partners and other
stakeholders who operate under the auspices of AMS.
Development Activities
Development assistance includes activities undertaken in order to reduce poverty and address global justice issues,
including ESG considerations AMS adopts the Australian Government's definition of development activities as
described in the OAGDS Guidelines:
Development activities improve the long-tenn well-being of individuals and communities in developing
countries. Eligible development activities must demonstrate fair distribution; be informed by local people;
and deliver sustained or lasting benefits.
For a project to be considered by AMS, the following key criteria must be met by the project partner:
• The project seeks to improve the well-being of a community without favouritism or discrimination by race,
religion, culture, political persuasion, gender, gender identity, race, disability, sexual orientation,
marital status or religious beliefs.;
• The project is identified, designed and implemented in close cooperation with primary stakeholders and
local people to ensure that project activities are appropriate, in direct response to local needs, and build on
local capacities;
• The benefits which result from the project are lasting, sustainable and likely to continue after the funding
from AMS has ceased.
In addition to these criteria and in alignment with its mission and vision, AMS has a particular interest in projects
that support vulnerable young people, educational initiatives and the work of Marists.
For more information regarding key OAGDS criteria, see the Overseas Aid Gift Deduction Scheme Guidelines.
AMS supports development projects that:
1. Recognise the human person not as the passive beneficiary of development interventions, but as its active
subject, claimholder and participant;
2. Promote and prioritise the human rights of all beneficiaries, with emphasis on the civil, political, economic,
social and cultural rights enshrined by international standards;
3. Are initiated as outcomes of consultation with communities and involve those affected by activities in
decision-making processes - including children and young people;
4. Are planned and executed with a view to handing control and ownership of activities over to the local
5. Provide ongoing benefits; and
6. Benefit whole communities without favouritism or discrimination for reasons of race, religion, culture,
political persuasion.
Non-Development/Welfare Activities
The characteristics of non-development/welfare activities include the following:
• Projects which provide direct assistance to individuals or communities because of an immediate or urgent
• Projects which seek to address immediate needs rather than to address the root causes of these needs;
• Projects which provide activities for or on behalf of beneficiaries, without requiring their participation in
the planning and evaluation; and
• Projects which do not have the capacity to become sustainable.
Such activities are not eligible for funding under OAGDS, however projects of a non-development/welfare nature, if
deemed still worthy of consideration, might be referred by AMS to other Marist bodies.
Activities not funded by AMS
AMS will not consider funding any activities which may compromise AMS's status as an 'approved organisation'
under OAGDS. Such activities include:
1. Partisan political activities (supporting a particular party, candidate or organisation affiliated to a political
party either in Australia or overseas). This includes, but shall not be limited to:
• AMS personnel, representatives or partners (when using AMS's name or resources) being involved
in party political activities;
• using funds or resources to facilitate or support a specific political party, candidate or political
organisation in a local, regional or national election in any country;
• using funds or resources to fa cilitate or support a particular politician or faction to gain power
within a government or within a party-political structure.
2. Evangelising, proselytising or attempting to conve1t people to another religion or faith. Activities which are
undertaken with the intention of converting individuals or groups from one faith and/or denominational
affiliation to another, or which make aid and/or development activities conditional on participation in
religious activities are not supported.
3. Activities that are not covered by adequate child protection policies, including providing funds that support
an individual with any conviction under the Crimes (Child Sex Tourism) Amendment Act 1994.
4. Activities that are not covered by adequate anti-terrorism policies.
Separation of Development and Non-Development/Welfare Activities
AMS holds Deductible Gift Receipt Item 1 Status. It complies with the requirements of the Australian Commonwealth
Department ofForeign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the Australian Taxation Office and ACF ID. AMS funds development
activities exclusively, as defined in this policy.
Project Assessment
Projects are assessed as either development or non-development/welfare activities by AMS staff and the AMS
Programs Committee, according to the criteria outlined in the AMS Project Appraisal Form.
Project partners are required to agree that project funding provided by AMS will only be used for the approved
activity type and for the agreed purpose.
Partnership Agreements
In submitting an application for funding, partner organisations agree to be bound by this policy and to ensure that
funds allocated for development purposes are not misapplied or misused. The AMS Project Application Form,
together with a Letter of Approval from AMS granting funds to the partner organisation and the Project Agreement
Document constitute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as per DFAT's guidelines.
Humanitarian Assistance
AMS works to provide long-term development assistance to its pa1tners. While it does, on occasion, work with
communities who have experienced humanitarian emergencies, it does so only after the immediate crisis has
subsided and its work is focused on long-term recovery. As such, AMS does not consider itself a humanitarian actor
or agency.
The implementation of this policy will be guided by the AMS Operations Manual.
Monitoring & Review of Policy
AMS will undertake a review of this policy in accordance with the AMS Policy Review Process, or sooner if required.
This review will be undertaken initially by the Chief Executive Officer and AMS staff and then reviewed by the AMS
Finance, Audit and Risk Committee and Board of Directors.
Related Documents
• ACFID Code of Conduct
• OAGDS Guidelines
• AMS Project Application Form
• AMS Project Assessment Form
• AMS Letter of Approval
• AMS Project Agreement Document
• AMS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
• AMS Inclusion and Diversity Policy
• AMS Environmental Impact Policy
• AMS Operations Manual