Australian Marist Solidarity (AMS) is the international development agency of the Marist Brothers Star of the Sea Province and the Marist Association of St Marcellin Champagnat. It has a particular focus on empowering young people to transform their lives and community. Promoting the dignity of the human person, as safeguarded by international recognised human rights conventions, is a core value of AMS.
AMS believes the promotion of environmental sustainability in all aid and development activities, and in its Australian office, contributes to the preservation of the environment for future generations. AMS aspires to minimise its impact on the environment and maximise the effective use of resources. It strives to achieve this by increasing awareness of this policy and fostering responsible environmental behaviour amongst staff, volunteers and users at all levels.
AMS recognises that a sustainable society is founded on Gospel values that include: respect, care, compassion and inclusion of all people, the environment, responsibility for our actions, integrity of life on earth and the processes and systems that support that life.
In 2015, Pope Francis challenged all citizens of the world, to make the care of the earth a core responsibility and priority. Pope Francis has expressed his hope that the Encyclical Letter on Ecology and Climate, Laudato Si, might help all people acknowledge the “appeal, immensity and urgency of the challenge”. He warned against “obstructionist attitudes” that “can range from denial of the problem to indifference, nonchalant resignation or blind confidence in technical solutions”. He invites all to “a new and universal solidarity”.
This Environmental Impact Policy aims to integrate a philosophy of sustainable development into all the organisation’s activities and to establish and promote sound environmental procedures and practices in our operations.
This policy applies to all board members, committee members, staff, contractors, partners, agents and volunteers who operate under the auspices of Australian Marist Solidarity.
AMS commits itself to minimising its impact on the environment according to the following principles, endorsed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals relevant to the environment, and in keeping with the Catholic Church teaching on environmental stewardship and the relevant laws and policies in the countries in which we operate AMS has adopted the following principles as outlined by DFAT in their Environmental Protection Policy:
Principle 1: Do no harm
Protect and maintain the health of natural habitats and apply pollution prevention and control practices. Provide safe and healthy workplaces and protect and conserve natural and cultural heritage.
Principle 2: Assess and manage environmental risks
Conduct risk management strategies to mitigate or reduce environmental impacts.
Principle 3: Disclose information transparently
Apply international and Australian Government transparency principles relating to environmental impacts.
Principle 4: Consult stakeholders
Conduct consultation with affected parties, free from external interference and in a timely manner. Ensure appropriate grievance procedures are included for all stakeholders.
Principle 5: Work with project partners
Comply with partner government environmental laws, standards and policies and support partners to observe these.
Principle 6: Promote improved environmental outcomes
Improve AMS’s aid activities by promoting where possible, improved environmental outcomes and promote the principles of ecologically sustainable development.
The implementation of this policy will be guided by the AMS Operations Manual
Monitoring and Review of Policy
AMS will undertake a review of this policy in accordance with the AMS Policy Review Process as it appears in the AMS Operations Manual or sooner if required. This review will be undertaken by the Chief Executive Officer and authorised by the AMS Board of Directors.
Related Resources
AMS Procurement and Supply Chain Policy
AMS Environmental Impact Procedures
AMS Operations Manual
Marist Brothers Province of Australia Environmental Sustainability Policy