
Country Information


Myanmar is the northernmost country of Southeast Asia; it is shaped like a kite with a long tail that runs south along the Malay Peninsula. The country is bordered by China to the north and northeast, Laos to the east, Thailand to the southeast, the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal to the south and southwest, Bangladesh to the west, and India to the northwest. Its total length from north to south is about 1,275 miles (2,050 km), and its width at the widest part, across the centre of the country at about the latitude of the city of Mandalay, is approximately 580 miles (930 km) from east to west.


Burma was a province of British India until 1937 and then a self-governing colony until independence in 1948.  The military traditionally has been heavily involved in domestic politics and the national economy and ran the country for five decades following a military coup in 1962.  A brief period of economic and political reform saw the election of a civilian government in 2015, but the military overthrew it in 2021. 

In 1989 the country’s official English name, which it had held since 1885, was changed from the Union of Burma to the Union of Myanmar; in the Burmese language the country has been known as Myanma (or, more precisely, Mranma Prañ) since the 13th century. 

The country’s coasts and river valleys have been inhabited since prehistoric times, and during most of the 1st millennium CE the overland trade route between China and India passed through Myanmar’s borders. Myanmar was one of the first areas in Southeast Asia to receive Buddhism, and by the 11th century it had become the centre of the Theravada Buddhist practice. 

The country has gradually progressed towards liberalisation in recent years. Many political prisoners have been released, and freedom of press, freedom of movement and freedom of speech have all improved. However, the army still has the constitutional power to block any legislation they disapprove of. 

Despite overall improvements in interstate violence, a minority in the Rakhine state have been seriously abused in recent years. Known as the Rohingya, this Muslim minority has been called the most persecuted minority in the world. 


The majority of the population are Bamar Buddhists; however, there is an incredible cultural variety. This diversity is especially visible in the Burmese migrant populations across the globe. Despite varying traditions and customs across different ethnic and religious backgrounds, there are some values that can be attributed to most people in the country. The Burmese are typically gentle, considerate, good-humoured and patient people. They appear to have a lot of gratitude for their situation, as well as hope for the future. This aspect of the Burmese character is particularly commendable when considering that the country continues to endure one of the world’s longest-running conflicts.

Key Facts

Population: 57,970,293

Capital: Nay Pyi Taw

Main languages: Burmese

Main religions: Buddhist 87.9%, Christian 6.2%, Muslim 4.3%, Animist 0.8%, Hindu 0.5%, other 0.2%, none 0.1%

Current Projects

There are approximately 60,000 Burmese migrants living in Kawthaung, the southernmost town in Myanmar, and make up roughly 50% of the town’s population. Kawthaung is on the border with Ranong in Thailand, separated by the Kyan River, which makes it a base for many migrants to move into Thailand. There are very few work opportunities and these people often have no place to live. They are lured to Thailand with the dream of finding work but many are unaware of the challenges and risks in doing so. Due to its frontier location, Kawthaung is a hotbed for human trafficking and crime syndicates that prey on vulnerable and eager Burmese.  

The Congregation of Our Lady of the Missions (RNDM Sisters) have been working in Kathaung since 2010, including establishing the Anti Human Trafficking Sewing Project.  The Project provides sewing skills training to approximately 40-50 women/girls each year. The training is undertaken by the Sisters and some part-time staff and seeks to achieve the following objectives: 

  • To prevent young women and children from being victims of human trafficking through income generation by developing sewing skills and being paid a salary for their sewing and/or setting up their own sewing business 

  • To improve confidence and self-esteem in women and children to live a better and more dignified life by empowering them and showing them they have skills that can help them earn a respectable income 

At the end of the training courses the project provides up to 15 of the women/girls their own sewing machine so that they can start their own business and earn a living. They are supported in this transition by the staff and Sisters. Some of the other post-training outcomes that have been achieved in the past are: 

  • Offer of employment in the workshop itself 

  • Finding employment in Kawthaung in boutiques 

  • Return to school to complete their high school certificate 

  • Move to Yangon for employment 

This project combats human trafficking by giving vulnerable young women and girls a place to learn new skills, earn an income, and halt their migration to Thailand. They also participate in other life-skills workshops that the Sisters run, including human rights and the realities of life in Thailand, so that they can make informed decisions about their immediate and long-term future.