The business community and other organisations have a critical role in working towards a world where young people are brought to the centre from the margins through access to education.

Australian Marist Solidarity is proud to partner with businesses and other organisations who share our vision of bringing education to young people who are on the fringes of society.

We seek to form mutually beneficial and meaningful partnerships that give businesses the opportunity to align their strategic objectives with our work. By partnering with us, businesses and other organisations can make a positive and sustainable change in developing communities in Asia and the Pacific.

Partnering with Australian Marist Solidarity

Australian Marist Solidarity works alongside businesses and other organisations to develop committed partnerships that meet the needs of both our partners and the communities we serve.

Partnerships can be tailored to embrace your passion for change in Asia and the Pacific. Major donors support our life-changing work in a number of ways including, but not limited to, formal and non-formal education programs and community development programs, emergency relief work, and targeted campaigns.

Invitation to partner

Australian Marist Solidarity is seeking to partner with donors who share our desire to help eliminate poverty and its causes.

If you would like to learn more about how Australian Marist Solidarity can help meet your personal giving objectives, we invite you to contact us today.