Australian Marist Solidarity (AMS) is the international development arm of the Marist Brothers Star of the Sea
Province and the Marist Association of St Marcellin Champagnat. It has a particular focus on empowering young
people to transform their lives and community. Promoting the dignity of the human person, as safeguarded by
internationally recognised human rights conventions, is a core value of AMS.
AMS is aware that related party transactions can give rise to potential conflicts of interest, meaning there is a risk
that a related party transaction may not be in the best interests of the organisation. AMS is committed to ensuring
all related party transactions are entered into in a transparent manner, are approved appropriately and that any
potential conflicts of interest are considered.
This purpose of this policy is to ensure that related party transactions are managed appropriately, transparently
and in the best interests of AMS.
This policy applies to AMS company members, Board members, committee members, staff, contractors, external
consultants, agencies, volunteers and project partners of or who work with AMS.
Related Party Transaction: A related party transaction is a transfer of resources, services, or obligations between
related parties. It does not have to include financial payment.
Related Parties: A related party is defined in AASB 124 Related Party Disclosures, as follows:
• a person that is connected to the charity, such as a Responsible Person or a close member of their family,
that has control or joint control of the charity
• an organisation that is connected to the charity and has control or significant influence over the charity,
such as a parent entity of the charity
• an organisation that the charity has control or significant influence over, such as a subsidiary entity
• any organisation and the charity that are members of the same group (for example, fellow subsidiaries)
• a member of the charity’s key management personnel (people with authority and responsibility for
planning, directing and controlling the activities of the charity directly or indirectly) or a close member of
their family
• an associate (an entity over which the charity has significant influence) or joint venturer (an entity that
shares control of an arrangement with the charity and has rights to the net assets of the arrangement).
Material: Information in a financial report is considered ‘material’ if omitting, misstating or obscuring it could
reasonably be expected to influence someone using that information to make a decision (ACNC)
“Related party transactions can give rise to a perceived, potential, or actual conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest
(whether actual or perceived) may arise when a related party has an interest that may conflict with the best
interests of the charity.” (ACNC).
AMS will maintain a register of related party transactions to ensure accurate annual reporting. The register will
include information on the nature of the relationship, details of the transaction, amount and date of the
transaction, as well as who approved the transaction.
Board members and committee members are required to declare any conflicts of interest at the beginning of each
Board and committee meeting. Staff members are made aware of the Conflict of Interest Policy and are required to
declare any potential conflicts of interest that may arise. AMS maintains a register of all conflicts of interest. When
decisions are made, anyone with a conflict (whether actual or perceived) should not be involved in the decision-making process. Refer also to the AMS Conflict of Interest Policy on the AMS website.
Reporting on Related Party Transactions
AMS is required to report on material related party transactions in the ACNC Annual Information Statement and
financial reports.
AASB 124 and AASB 1060 requires disclosure of the following details of related party transactions in the financial
• the nature of the relationships with related parties
• the amount of the related party transactions
• the amount of outstanding balances, including commitments, and:
o their terms and conditions, including whether they are secured, and the nature of the
consideration to be provided in settlement; and
o details of any guarantees given or received
• provisions for doubtful debts related to the amount of outstanding balances
• the expense recognised during the period in respect of bad or doubtful debts due from related parties
The implementation of this policy will be guided by the AMS Operations Manual.
Monitoring and Review of Policy
AMS will undertake a review of this policy in accordance with the AMS Policy Review Process, or sooner if
required. This review will be undertaken by the Chief Executive Officer, with oversight by the Finance, Audit and
Risk Committee and authorisation by the AMS Board of Directors.
Related Resources
• AMS Conflict of Interest Policy
• AMS Transparency Policy
• AMS Financial Wrongdoing Policy
• AMS Operations Manual